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Oracle » DDL » Design »

Oracle data types


====== DDL ======

Type Storage Range/Length Comments
----------------- ---------- -------------- -------------------
NUMBER 16 40 digit floating point
FLOAT 16 40 digit floating point
SMALLINT 16 40 digit floating point

NUMBER(a,b) varies a digits, b precision
FLOAT(a,b) varies a digits, b precision

DECIMAL 16 40 digit

INTEGER 16 40 digits
INTEGER(a) varies a digits

CHAR(a) a a=(1-255)
VARCHAR(a) varies 1 - 255
VARCHAR2(a) varies 1 - 2000

DATE 8 1/1/4217BC - 12/31/4712AD precision to minutes

LONG varies 0 - 2 GB stored inline, obsolete *
LONG RAW varies 0 - 2 GB stored inline, obsolete *

LONG VARCHAR varies 0 - 2 GB stored inline, obsolete *

BLOB varies 0 - 4 GB stored separate from table
CLOB varies 0 - 4 GB stored separate from table
NCLOB varies 0 - 4 GB stored separate from table

BFILE ?? ?? pointer to O/S file

ROWID 8 n/a row identifier within block

* Long datatypes are discouraged in Oracle 8. Note that are long and blob
datatypes are incompatible.

====== PL-SQL data types (differences) ======

Type Storage Range/Length Comments
----------------- ---------- -------------- ----------------------------


BLOB must be read in 32k chunks

 ====== DDL ======
 Type                Storage     Range/Length               Comments
 -----------------   ----------  --------------             -------------------
 NUMBER              16          40 digit floating point
 FLOAT               16          40 digit floating point
 SMALLINT            16          40 digit floating point
 NUMBER(a,b)         varies      a digits, b precision
 FLOAT(a,b)          varies      a digits, b precision
 DECIMAL             16          40 digit
 INTEGER             16          40 digits
 INTEGER(a)          varies      a digits
 CHAR(a)             a           a=(1-255)
 VARCHAR(a)          varies      1 - 255
 VARCHAR2(a)         varies      1 - 2000
 DATE                8           1/1/4217BC - 12/31/4712AD  precision to minutes
 LONG                varies      0 - 2 GB                   stored inline, obsolete *
 LONG RAW            varies      0 - 2 GB                   stored inline, obsolete *
 LONG VARCHAR        varies      0 - 2 GB                   stored inline, obsolete *
 BLOB                varies      0 - 4 GB                   stored separate from table
 CLOB                varies      0 - 4 GB                   stored separate from table
 NCLOB               varies      0 - 4 GB                   stored separate from table
 BFILE               ??          ??                         pointer to O/S file
 ROWID               8           n/a                        row identifier within block
 * Long datatypes are discouraged in Oracle 8.  Note that are long and blob
   datatypes are incompatible.
 ====== PL-SQL data types (differences) ======
 Type                Storage     Range/Length    Comments
 -----------------   ----------  --------------  ----------------------------
 BLOB                                             must be read in 32k chunks

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Oracle : DDL : Creating indexes
Oracle : DDL : Creating constraints
Oracle : DDL : Creating and using a sequence
Oracle : DDL : Synonyms and Database Links
Oracle : DDL : Changing a column's type or name
Oracle : DDL : Partitioned Tables
Oracle : DDL : Alter a column
Oracle : DDL : Creating an index with the nosort option

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