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Sybase IQ: Copying users/logins between databases


With ASE, it's easy to BCP out syslogins data and copy to another server. With IQ, however, SYSUSERPERM is not available for direct updates. Thus, another tact is needed, to copy a login from on server to another, without knowing the password. Overall steps: a) Use SQL to select the necessary source data, b) run a Perl filter to build SQL statements, c) run the SQL into the target IQ server.
How to use the scripts listed below:
1) copy the Perl code to
2) copy the shell script to
3) chmod 700 .. for both files
4) Make sure your IQ DB client is accessible and working
5) Run the shell script: e.g. ./ HELENA jsmith

 # Params: sourcefile  targetfile
 open(FILE1, "<$fname1") or die "Error .. FILE1" ;
 open(FILE2, ">$fname2") or die "Error .. FILE2" ;
 while ()
   $line1 = $_ ;
   @line1 = split ' ', $line1 ;
   $user = shift @line1 ;
   $X    = shift @line1 ;
   $i = 0 ;
   $z = length($X);
   $Z = '' ;
   while ($i < $z)
     $Z = $Z . '\x' . substr($X,$i,2) ;
     $i ++;
     $i ++;
   print FILE2 "grant connect,resource to $user identified by \n " . "'" . $Z . "'" . "; \n\n"  ;

 # Parms:    
 cd /opt/sybaseiq/util/scripts
 echo "SQL Prep ..."
 cat iq_encrypt.sql | sed "s|IQUSER|$iquser|" > _iq_encrypt.sql
 echo "Examining user ..."
 $iqisql $iqserver _iq_encrypt.sql | grep $iquser > $tfile1
 echo "Perl processing ..."
 ./ $tfile1 $tfile2
 echo "Ready.  You can now run the SQL displayed below against the target IQ server."
 echo " " ; echo " "
 cat $tfile2

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