Javascript: Where it fits within the HTML

Javascript is typically placed within three areas of a web page:

Below is a code sample which illustrates several techniques:



<script language="javascript">

function f_timer()
imageidx ++ ;
if (imageidx==8)
  } ;

// -->



Paragraph 1 : This is some sample text located in the body of the page.<br>
This example illustrates the ability to embed Javascript calls within the body of a form.

<script language="javascript">
document.write("<hr>" + "This was written by Javascript" + "<hr>");
// -->

Paragraph 2 : This is some sample text located in the body of the page.<br>
This example illustrates the ability to embed Javascript calls within the body of a form.

<script language="javascript">
document.write("<h2>" + "This was written by Javascript also" + "</h2>");
// -->

Paragraph 3 : This is some sample text located in the body of the page.<br>
This example illustrates the ability to embed Javascript calls within the body of a form.


timerID = setTimeout("f_timer()", 1000);


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