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Text file processor - sewing paragraphs together


This sample is very handy for handing data extract
files containing embedded CR and LF character within text
data. Originally created to process Sybase BCP files.

# text2rec : Remove embedded tabs/CR within BCP-out files
# ( 99% successful )
# Arguments: infile outfile


open(FILE1,"<$cmtfile") or die "Input file: Cannot open $cmtfile\n\n";
open(FILE2,">$outfile") or die "Output file: Cannot write $outfile\n\n";

# number if lines, for current record
$count2 = 0 ;

while (<FILE1>)
$line1 = $_;

chomp $line1 ;

$field1=" ";
$field2=" ";

# replace tabs with pipes, good for debugging
$line1 =~ s/\t/\|/g ;

# replace bizarre characters
$line1 =~ s/<B0>/ /g ;
$line1 =~ s/<ED>/ /g ;

# attempt to grab first two fields of line
if ($line1 =~ /\|/)
@line1 = split(/\|/,$line1);

$field1 = shift @line1 ;
$field2 = shift @line1 ;


# --> Check for record start.
# check if the fields are for real, i.e. numeric / all caps
# ... two examples are below, will need to modify for
# different file layouts

# 2 numeric fields
# if ( ($field1 =~ /[0-9]/) && ($field2 =~ /[0-9]/) )

# code field, numeric field
if ( ($field1 =~ /[A-Z][A-Z]/) && ($field2 =~ /[0-9]/) )
if ($line2=~/[a-z]/)
$line2 =~ s/\|/\t/g ;
print FILE2 $line2,"\n";
$line2 = $line1 ;
$count2 = 0 ;
# ---> Not a record start, but a record chunk.
# check for embedded tabs, within the text field; an attempt
# to remove them here.
if (!($line1 =~ /\|[0-9]/))
$line1 =~ s/\|/ /g ;
$line2 = $line2 . " " . $line1 ;
$count2 ++ ;

# print warning, for excessively long
# text fields.
# If you see this message for all lines in the file,
# then the if..then above is never succeeding, and needs
# to be adjusted

if ($count2 > 300)
{ print "Limit exceeded: $count2 \n"; }


# last line

$line2 =~ s/\|/\t/g ;
print FILE2 $line2,"\n";


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