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Sybase IQ: Restoring a Database from Dump Files


The below set of steps outlines a full restore (catalog/IQ store) from a backup/dump file.

# Step 1) Start an empty server:

start_asiq -n testsrv -gu all

# Step 2) Add the server information in the interfaces file and the server name must be utility_db, below snapshot from the interfaces file:


# (Note: montana is the Linux/UNIX host name)

# Step 3) Connect using isql and use utility_db as the server name:

isql -Udba -Psql -Sutility_db


dbisql -nogui -c "uid=DBA;pwd=sql;eng=util;dbn=utility_db;links=tcpip{host=montana;port=2638}"

# ** note if you restoring the MPX database you need to start the utility server with override switch "-iqmpx_ov 1").

# Step 4) In the utility_db, Issue the command to stop the IQ server. (for example, it is HELENA)


# Step 5) For a FULL RESTORE, also need to delete .db and .log files

mkdir SAVE

mv -i IQ*.db IQ*.log SAVE

# Step 6) In the utility_db, issue the restore command:

restore database 'HELENA'
from '/data/db_dumps/backup_HELENA_20130504.dmp' ;

# Step 7) In the utility_db, issue the command to start the IQ server.


The database should be restored now.

# Errata ..

# If loading from a server with another name, you'll need to rename the message file

restore database 'HELENA'
from '/data/db_dumps/backup_HELENA_20130504.dmp'
rename IQ_SYSTEM_MSG to 'HELENA.iqmsg' ;

# Then, you may need to rename the transaction log as well

cd /opt/sybaseiq

# Stop the IQ server


dblog -t ./HELENA.log HELENA.db

# Start the IQ server

nohup asiqsrv12 -n HELENA @HELENA.cfg HELENA.db > HELENA.$$.log 2>&1 &

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